
  • Green Technologies
  • Healthcare
  • Construction
  • Service
  • Hospitality
  • Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
  • Small Business
  • Manufacturing
  • School Districts
  • And More

Partnership Granted

Partnership Granted

Partner with IWE to realize the benefits of real, measurable workforce expertise. Non-profits, associations, and schools on a local to international level have already done so. Join us!

Our Partners

IWE partners with the following types of organizations:

+ Non-profit organizations

We partner with organizations who want to leverage their exisiting worforce capacity.  We work together to identify and procure grant opportunities that we then implement and deliver.

+ Training companies

We partner with training companies who want to provide their students with credentials upon completion.  We validate curriculum and certify successful participants.

+ Colleges and universities

We work with colleges and universities to augment their workforce student offerings.

+ Trade associations

We work with associations to design and deliver industry-relevant training programs that provide their members with knowledge and skills that lead to new business opportunities.